On Aug 9, 2015, Shri Raju Tadvi, Superintendent of Brihan Mumbai Mahanagar Palika, inaugurated a blood donation camp organized by Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation in Municipal School, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai where 240 units of blood were donated by devotees of the Sant Nirankari Mission and other people.
Speaking on the occasion Shri Raju Tadvi appreciated the selfless and disciplined services of the devotees. Shri Sunil Shinde MLA, Smt. Ratna Mahale, Corporator, and Smt. Kishori Pednekar, Corperator also encouraged the donors with their esteemed presence.
The Founder and Chairman of Hospitality Purchasing Management Forum, SAHARA Shri Nitin Shankar Nagrale and 25 other members of his forum also donated blood in the camp. They requested the Foundation to organize a similar blood donation camp at their corporate Centre also.
Similarly, the local Flower Market people also participated in the Camp and donated 15 units of blood. Some members of Jai Bhavani Mandal also donated blood.
The blood collecting teams came from two hospitals – St. George Hospital (130 units) and B.Y. L. Nair Hospital (110 units). Doctors said that the selfless efforts made by Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation for this noble cause for so many years in the society are certainly outstanding.
Rev Prema Oberoi, Coordinator, Rev Gophinath Bamugade, Sector Sanyojak, Rev Chandrakant Jadhav, Editor, Rev Komal Mohite, Kshetiriya Sanchalak, Rev Shankar Sonavane, Kshetriya Sanchalak, Rev Namdev Shinde, Mukhi, Worli were also present on the occasion.
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