With the grace of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, a medical health check-up camp was organized by the Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation (SNCF) at Sant Nirankari Public School, Faridabad on Saturday, January 23, 2016.
The camp was marked by the huge presence of school students from Pre-Nursery to Class XII. The team of 16 doctors included eye specialist, general physicians, acupressure doctors, Sujok specialists, dental doctors and physiological experts. The school management highly appreciated the perfection of doctors who were handling each and every student with deep care and attention.
The camp was distributed in four stages viz. measuring the body mass index, examination of dental health and eye vision, mental ability and phobia’s examination by physiological expert, and lastly by acupressure, Sujok and general physicians. The doctors completed the medical examination of 1098 students in total. The doctors gave a brief report of each student’s health status to their respective class teachers and gave further advice to be taken care by the school management and parents.
There were 27 SNCF volunteers who were actively participating in maintaining the discipline, cleanliness, rows expertise and other related duties. The school management was very appreciative towards SNCF for this initiative of organizing such health checkup camps and has also thanked the team of doctors and volunteers for their selfless service towards humanity.
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