On August 28, 2016, with the divine blessings of Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation organized a blood donation camp at Sant Nirankari Satsang Bhawan, Nangal, near Chandigarh. The camp was inaugurated by Shri Surendra Pal Singh, Tehsildar while Dr. B.S. Cheema Ji, Zonal Incharge also participated in the ceremony. A total of 250 devotees including 47 women contributed to the generous cause.

On this occasion, Shri Surendra Pal Singh said that this is the biggest donation to save humanity. He said that the Mission’s contribution giving a new lease of life to several people is laudable.

Addressing the gathering of devotees on this occasion, said that Nirankari devotees are always ready to serve humanity with zeal, to add happiness to the lives of others. This leads to the traits of brotherhood and helping each other in times of joy and sorrow. Adding to this, he said that there is no alternate to human blood. Hence, this is God’s invaluable gift, and blood donation is the most generous contribution.

Shri Kashmiri Lal Saroya Ji, Mukhi elevated the enthusiasm of the devotees who had come for donation and expressed his gratitude to Shri Surendra Pal Singh, Dr. B.S. Cheema Ji, Shri Ashok Puri, Chairman of Municipal Council and the blood collecting team headed by Dr. Pritpal Singh from B.B.M.B. Hospital along with Dr. Amarjot Kaur and Dr. Rana Bakhtar Singh from Civil Hospital, Anandpur Sahib who also came with a team.

He also expressed his gratitude to devotees from Anandpur Sahib and Noorpur Bedi to have contributed to the success of the camp. On this occasion, Shri Tara Chand Ji, Sanyojak and Shri Somnath Ji, Mukhi also congratulated and appreciated devotees’ efforts in making the camp a success.

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