SNCF Hosts Musical Evening for the Blinds

A four days sports-cum-cultural meet of the Blind Relief Association was held at Tyagraj Stadium and Lodhi Road office of the Association from 12.12.2016 to 15.12.2016. The 850 blinds had come from all the states of India. The Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation participated in a big way and at the request of the Association sponsored the mojobarricade in Tyagraj Stadium where SNCF banners were tastefully displayed over the barricades. SNCF volunteers were present in strength in both the stadium and Blind School, Lodhi Road, New Delhi where cultural meet was hosted. The Excecutive President of the Foundation, Holy Sister Bindiya Chhabra Ji was well received by the Association Manager Shri A. David and Secretary Shri K.C. Pandey on 14.12.2016 evening. The entire musical evening was sponsored by SNCF with the cultural programme running upto 10 p.m. The participants enjoyed the evening and also participated in the regular prayers of the Mission. SNCF distributed sweets to the participants on the conclusion of the event.

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