With the divine blessings of Her Holiness Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation organized a blood donation camp at Arya Vysya Yuvajana Sangham Hall in Vishakhpatnam in Andhra Pradesh on August 20, 2017 where 111 units of blood to Indian Red Cross Society, Vishakhapatnam were donated.
In order to create public awareness about blood donation, Sant Nirankari Mission conducted two walking rallies on August 15 and 19, on the busy streets of Visakhapatnam. A few colleges also participated in this event in creating awareness in public about the need of blood donation.
The blood donation camp was inaugurated by Dr. Harnadh, IRTS, Dr. Chairman of Visakhapatnam Port Trust. Dr. Harnadh suggested to our Sanyojak that next time he would ensure the participation of Port Trust employees also in this noble cause. The camp was well managed by Sewadal.
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