On September 17, 2017, with the blessings of Nirankari Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation organized a blood donation camp at Sant Nirankari Satsang Bhavan Kurali, near Chandigarh, where 254 devotees donated their blood. The blood collecting team led by Dr. Anita came from PGI Chandigarh.
The camp was inaugurated by Dr. Suchet Sachdev, Assistant Professor, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Blood Bank P.G.I.M.E.R., Chandigarh. Addressing the devotees and donors, he said that blood donation is the biggest form of charity and these camps organized by the Sant Nirankari Mission are a living example of social welfare, which are to be appreciated every bit.
Speaking on this occasion, Shri K.K. Kashyap Ji, Zonal Incharge Chandigarh said that blood donation is a big service to humanity, and one must always be ready to serve the mankind. He said Sant Nirankari Mission is the foremost voluntary organization in the country, in this regard.
Shri Govardhan Lal Anand ji, Mukhi expressed his gratitude to all devotees and donors.
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