In the capital of Sikkim, Gangtok, the main programme was organized at Mahatma Gandhi Marg on June 5,2018. While Shri D R Thapa, Member of Legislative Assembly and Paliamentary Secretary was the chief guest. Sh Kuldeep Singh Ji and Sh K M Chhetri Ji, Zonal Incharge were representing the Head Quarters, Delhi.
The programme started with a marathon gathering at MG Road where the guests were honoured . Here after the prayers, the participants were addressed by the Hon ble Chief Guest and Sh Kuldeep Singh ji. While Sh Thapa highlighted the importance of environment and appreciated the initiative and contribution by Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation to remove the pollution. Sh Kuldeep Singh Ji highlighted the importance given to removing the pollution of hatred from inside and the environment outside by Sant Nirankari Mission. He spoke at length over Beat Plastic Pollution.
After this cotton cloth bags were distributed amongst the public for spreading awareness to beat plastic pollution. Cleanliness was conducted at STNM Hospital by around 300 volunteers in dress. Later saplings were also planted in the Hospital premises. The programme also included a street play by the volunteers with the message of keeping the environment pollution free.
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