On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, SNCF market 2nd October, 2018 as a day devoted to youth as “ Youth Guided by Truth “ a spiritual seminar at NAUNI University, Nauni, Himachal Pradesh. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. H.C Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Nauni University and Dr. Rakesh Joshi, Deputy Director Metrology Department Govt. of India. Learned VC and Dr. Joshi express their devotional gratitude and praise the activities of SANT NIRANKARI CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ( SNCF ) . The message given by this seminar and the objective of this seminar was to channelize the youth energy in the right path of truth and to encourage the youth to make their society a better place to live in , not by changing others but to change themselves to keep our society clean . The message also was given of HUMANNESS, to live by loving all and break all walls a live peacefully together.
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