“Removing Darkness, Sharing Light”
13th May, 2017
Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation announces an Eye Donation Campaign in collaboration with Eye Bank Association of India. Removing darkness by sharing light is a noble contribution. We can light the life of two blind people by donating our eyes after our death. By pledging, our eyes can live, even after our death. Anyone can be a donor irrespective of gender, blood group or social background.
According to World Health Organization ( WHO ) Corneal Blindness is the fourth leading cause of global blindness after cataract, glaucoma and age related macular degeneration. Out of 45 millions blind people across the world, 15 million live in India and 75% of these cases are of avoidable blindness, but due to the nation’s acute shortage of donors, most of the cases either go untreated or are inadequately treated. In India, blindness has devastating effects on individuals, families and communities, impacting education and economic development. On an average, the country needs 2,00,000 corneas in a year and only 44,806 are collected. Out of these only 46% ( 20,632 ) are utilized for sight restoration as the other 54% do not meet the standards for transplantation.
- Eyes can be donated only after death.
- The cornea, which is the clear transparent layer in front of the black portion of the eye, must be recover within 4-6 hours after death, by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
- The Eye Bank team will collect the cornea by visiting the home of the deceased or from a hospital.
- The procedure takes only 20-30 minutes.
- The entire process does not disfigure the individual.
- The identities of both the donor and the recipient are kept confidential
- Anyone from the age of 3 yrs to 70 years can donate eyes
- Even those suffering from cataract, hypertension, diabetes or using spectacles can also donate eyes.
- People who die due to infections such as rabies, syphilis, infectious, hepatitis, septicemia and AIDS cannot donate their eyes.
To donate eyes, the relatives of the deceased should do the following procedures :
- Close the eyelids of the deceased and cover them with moist cotton.
- Switch off the fan, but keep the body cool.
- Raise the head of the deceased slightly by placing a pillow underneath
- Contact the nearest Eye Bank or the Eye bank mentioned in your Donor Card, as quickly as possible, as the cornea remains healthy for 4-6 hours only.
- Give the correct address with specific landmarks and telephone number to enable the eye bank team to locate the place of collection.
- Eye donations can be done only with the written consent of the next of kin in the presence of two witnesses.
You can register yourself for EYE DONATION CAMPAIGN. After submission of registration form, we will send you a “DONOR CARD”.
“Donate blood while living in the world, and organs while leaving the world”
For Registration :